Storyteller. Iowa Hawkeye. Yogi. President of OCWW.

Hello there.

Kelly Q. Anderson is an award-winning writer and the President of Off Campus Writers’ Workshop. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, Atticus Review, The Citron Review, Stanchion Zine, Scrawl Place, No Rules at Cornell, Five Minute Lit, and more. Her specialty is writing in short form: micro, flash fiction/ nonfiction, hybrid prose, prose poems, and short stories (after years as a columnist, she became very skilled at ‘getting to the point already’). In 2022, she was awarded a 1st Prize Fellowship for Flash Fiction/ Nonfiction with The Porches in Norwood, Virginia. Additionally, she served as a writer-in-residence at The Writers Colony at Dairy Hollow in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Her work has been installed for public art, anthologized, and adapted for short film. She is the artist behind #FlashCardsbyKQA, mini-stories that live in the wild. In Summer 2024, her flash fiction story That Old Beautiful Love will go into production, adapted and directed by artist and filmmaker Maggie Meiners.

Fostering a passion for inclusion, Ms. Anderson works with local government, businesses, and places of faith to implement inclusive programming and events. She holds a certificate in Diversity & Inclusion from Cornell University’s eCornell and is a member of the ACLU, Humans Rights Campaign, Glencoe DEI, and Moms Demand Action (Winnetka).

Ms. Anderson holds two degrees from the University of Iowa and further studied at StoryStudio and The Writer’s Loft. She teaches workshops, both in-person and online, to libraries, schools, companies, retreats, and private events, as well as moderates panels and interviews other writers and creatives for special events.

Her work has been anthologized in the following books:
Turning Points (Windy City Publishers, 2021)
Capsule Stories, (Capsule Stories, 2021)
Meaningful Conflicts (Windy City Publishers, 2023)

Genres & Art

Flash Fiction / CNF


Photography & Painting


(Mediocre) Poetry

Public Art

Academia & Study

University of Iowa, School of Journalism & Mass Communication


The Writer’s Loft


Off Campus Writers’ Workshop

Northwestern University Summer Writing Conference

The Porches: Fellow

The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow: Writer-in-Residence

StoryStudio Annual Writers’ Festival

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